
Below are a few of my bylines from the past years. I have experience reporting in both English and Spanish, as well as experience with multimedia projects. My work consists of writing, podcasts, photos, and video.

Alejandro Vazquez Alejandro Vazquez

Virtual Grade School Podcast

Flashing back to a year ago, many schools closed and moved instruction to a virtual platform. With this, many grade-school students struggled to adapt to the transition, forcing parents and teacher to find the best way to engage their students.

Join me as I talk to Michelle Anderson, a student-parent at CSULB, and Daniella Yñiguez, a first-grade elementary school teacher, as they share their experiences.

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Alejandro Vazquez Alejandro Vazquez

"Un violador en tu camino" evento en CSULB

On Dec. 11, 2019, the Spanish graduate club hosted the "Un Violador en tu camino" protest piece in honor of how viral it has become. First started in Valparaiso, Chile, the protest performance has been done all around the world to raise awareness on sexual harassment and gender violence.

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Alejandro Vazquez Alejandro Vazquez

Welcoming the Newest Members of the BEACH Family

As the new semester starts, there are many new professors that have joined the BEACH family. They have done amazing research throughout their careers and will bring that knowledge to the BEACH.

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